You're engaged, you're planning your wedding, and you couldn't be happier-except for one thing… Your smile! Maybe your teeth are a little crooked, or you have a gap-but you're an adult now and you don't want braces! Rest easy- Dr. Kennell has several esthetic, or invisible treatment options for you to choose from.
If your teeth are only moderately crooked and you have three or four months till the big day, you can see drastic improvements using clear aligners, such as Invisalign. Believe it or not, if your case is mild enough, your treatment time may be as little as 10 weeks!
If you're not familiar with the Invisalign technology, Dr. Alan Kennell can (in appropriate cases) use clear aligners to move your teeth, rather than the traditional wires and brackets. Invisalign trays are almost invisible-unless someone is very close to you, they won't even notice you are wearing them! You take the trays out to eat and brush your teeth, and while your teeth will feel sore and may even throb periodically for the first few days, after that you'll hardly notice when the trays are in. (While wearing the trays you won't be able to drink anything but water, which will also help with that wedding day diet!)
If you are not a candidate for Invisalign, Dr. Kennell has another “invisible” option for you – lingual braces. These are actually braces that go behind your teeth! The Harmony system is a custom set of behind the teeth braces that will get your teeth straight without having to show metal braces and wires. Dr. Kennell is proud to be the only Harmony provider in the entire state of New Hampshire!
Call Dr. Kennell today to make your appointment for beautiful, straight teeth for your upcoming wedding and get ready to Smile Down the Aisle!