Spotlight on Mona!!
Mona grew up in Northern Maine way
up by the Canadian border, with 2 sisters and SIX brothers! Mona has lived in Laconia with her significant other, Walter, for over 13 years! That's him with the chicken on his head:)
Mona has 2 beautiful daughters. Candice lives in Maryland with her husband Dwight and Krystal lives in Northfield with her husband Steve. Mona has FOUR grandchildren: Kaelyn (the princess) and Liam, Kyle, and Kurtis (her 3 princes!)
Mona has worked for Dr. Kennell for 12 wonderful
years! When she's not at work, she enjoys GOLFING (her favorite!!), TRAVELING (she's been to Rome, Sicily, Malta, Hawaii, California, Neveda, and Maryland!), KAYAKING, FISHING, READING, LISTENING TO MUSIC and COOKING!