You may be coming to the end of your orthodontic treatment and wondering what comes next? For both braces and Invisalign, it all comes to an end with a retainer to keep the retention of your new, beautiful smile. The most common question we get asked is "How long do I have to wear this for?" and our answer is always the same: "For as long as you want your teeth to be straight." This truly is a lifetime commitment if you would like to preserve the treatment you went through.

Of course, one retainer will not last you a lifetime just due to wear and tear overtime. Thankfully the Invisalign retainers that you receive once treatment is finished are a plastic that is 30% thicker than normal Invisalign aligners. They should last you around 2-3 years but all depends on each individual and how well they are taken care of.

For our patients coming out of braces, we recommend wearing your retainers for the first 3 days full time (taking them out to eat/brush/drink sugary drinks) and then it is just to bed every night from there on out.

For Invisalign patients, directions are slightly different, instead we recommend wearing your retainers for 14 hours a day for the first 3 months, then just to bed every night after that.

The first set of retainers is always included in the cost of your whole treatment. Any set after that will be for a fee. We just started offering a promotion for our patients nearing the end. At the appointment that you get your scan done, you can choose to get a SECOND set of retainers for $100 off, OR get a free Invisalign whitening kit that can be used with your retainers!!

We also offer a retainer subscription through the Invisalign app, which allows you to order your retainers whenever you need without having to come into the office. If you are interested, let us know and we will send you the link at your last visit with us!

Lastly, if you ever get away from your retainers for too long and they do not fit anymore and you've noticed some shifting please get in contact with us ASAP! It could be a simple fix for a fee, but will be better than letting it getting even worse!

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