Can I Still Whiten My Teeth during Invisalign Treatment?
February 14th, 2024
A common question you might be wondering is if you can still whiten your teeth while being in Invisalign treatment. We used to always inform patients that they should wait until they are done with treatment to use whitening strips. It still holds true that you should not use whitening strips, but there is now a solution to the whitening!
Invisalign now offers the Invisalign Professional Whitening System that is safe to use during and after your treatment.

Why it is safer to use this system than whitening strips is because it will be able to whiten your teeth despite the attachments. Trying to use a whitening strip would not be able to go through the attachments, leaving spots that are not as white when they some day come off. This Invisalign Professional Whitening System contains 10% carbamide peroxide formulation which breaks down into water, oxygen, and reactive oxygen molecules. The reactive oxygen molecules are what are able to change the stained molecules, making them lighter. Due to this reaction, the whitening solution will spread through the entire tooth without actually having to cover every part of it. So even the tooth surface underneath the attachments will still be getting whiter just the same.
The at-home kit allows you to easily whiten your teeth professionally! The kit comes with 4 syringes of whitening gel. At Dr. Kennell's orthodontic office they are sold for $150 and can be used throughout your treatment. It is instructed for you to lightly insert the gel just enough to cover the aligner so that it does not overflow to your gums. It is recommended for you wear them for at least 8-10 hours to get the full benefits. It is important to know that if you start to feel any sensitivity during these whitening treatments, you should take the aligners out. Using a toothpaste like Sensodyne along with your treatments will be helpful in reducing the sensitivity. This whitening gel is also made with potassium nitrate, used to reduce dental hypersensitivity, and fluoride, which helps strengthen the teeth.

Luckily, this whitening system can be used for Invisalign patients (during and after treatment), any patients that are in a Vivera/clear retainer, or anyone that is simply interested in just whitening their teeth! Make sure to ask your orthodontist/dentist about the Invisalign Professional Whitening System next time you are in the office, it will be worth it!