Dr. Kennell was one of only 20 US orthodontists recently invited to attend the Invisalign Study Club at Align Technology's Treatment Operations Center in San Jose, Costa Rica.

All Invisalign scans taken at Kennell Orthodontics are sent to the 63,000 sq. ft. Treatment Operations Center in San Jose. Here, the 3,000 member operations team processes thousands of scans from all over the region using Align's sophisticated, internally developed computer-modeling program, which allows the teeth to move individually. Treatment plans are then created according to Dr. Kennell's exact specifications. Once the treatment plan (also called a ClinCheck) is approved by Dr. Kennell, the digital plan is forwarded to either Mexico, China, or Poland for fabrication of the aligners.

While at Align's facility, Dr. Kennell attended special Invisalign lectures about new Invisalign features & products, current research findings, and tips on improving the ClinCheck process.

During this time, Dr. Kennell also had the opportunity to meet one-on-one with his personal Invisalign CAD designer and overseeing doctor. Over 1 hour was spent modifying Dr. Kennell's personalized Invisalign prescription (IPP) to give his patients the best result possible with Invisalign.

The day wouldn't be complete without a photo in Align's "Pura Vida" lounge!

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