October is National Orthodontic Health Month and Halloween is right around the corner! We have compiled a list of treats you can still have with braces on. We want to make sure your braces stay in tact, but we also want your teeth to stay healthy as well. Candy and sweets are okay in moderation, just make sure to brush and floss very well after!
Good Treats:
- Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
- Kit Kats
- 3 Musketeers
- Plain M&M’s
- Oreo’s & Soft Cookies
- Plain Hershey Bars & Hershey Kisses
- Peppermint Patties
- Pixy Stix

Candy to trade off to your friends/family:
- Taffy
- Bubblegum
- Chewy candies (Tootsie Rolls, Sugar Daddies, Sugar Babies)
- Caramel or candy apples
- Snickers, Mounds, Almond Joys, Twix
- Popcorn and popcorn balls
- Hard candies (Nerds, Jolly Ranchers, Lollipops)
- Jelly candies (Dots, Swedish Fish, Any kind of Gummies)
Have a Happy and Safe Halloween!